To attend the U3A activities you must be a member (this is separate to the Concern Wadebridge membership)
For more information visit:
Or pop into the centre to collect a list of contact details.
- Play Reading, 2 - 4pm - Janet Cox 01208 816392
- Card Games, 2 - 4pm - Joan Proctor 01208 814416
- Italian for beginners, 10am - 12noon - Catherine Angiolillo 01208 369687
- Choir, 2 - 4pm - Tom Imber 01208 592711
- Craft & Chat, 2 - 4pm - catherine Angiolillo 01208 369687
- Walking Group, 1st Tuesday of the month. - Phil Rowland 01208 368804
- Mah-jong, 11.15am - 1.15pm - Val Young 01208 812195
- Table Tennis, 11am - 1.30pm - Sid Frangleton 01208 814060
- Book Club (Fortnightly), 2 - 4pm- Jane Latus 01208 813185
- Short Mat Bowls (Weekly) in season @ the Bowls Club. Joan Proctor 01208 814416